Rosslyn Chapel and High Tea at The Balmoral - 24 May (last day before flying home)

Very excited about our trip to Roslyn Chapel this morning. We have a booking for 10.30am - 12pm and need to catch a local bus to take us to Roslyn - about 50 mins away. It only costs two pounds each way, which is excellent value.

The weather appears to be a bit better than yesterday, although still overcast with a bit of drizzle. We jump off a couple of stops early which works out fine as we have a pleasant 20 min walk to the Chapel (no rain) and arrive with 15 mins to spare - if you are wondering, yes we did align from the bus early by mistake πŸ˜ƒ. 

Founded in 1446 by Sir William St Clair, the Chapel took forty years to build. The beauty of its setting and the mysterious symbolism of its stonework has attracted, inspired and intrigued visitors ever since. No photos are allowed inside (sadly), but here's some from each side on the outside:

We were lucky enough to catch a 20 min chat from one of the guides about the history of the Chapel and all the restoration work they are doing. Thankfully, the Da Vinci Code book and movie has helped enormously. Pre movie there was about 40,000 visitors per year, since the movies release that's jumped to 200,000.

Unfortunately I won't finish this last post as the internet is horrendously slow and I need to be up at 4.30am tomorrow as I'm heading home.

I'll finish it in the coming days (I also have a draft of the Outlanders Bus Tour on 23 May. Good news - if you don't know the show or aren't a fan, no point you reading it as we visited places shown in the show).

Sue and I finished our trip on a high this afternoon - having high tea at The Balmoral!! Very fancy, very nice and the only photos that will upload are of the lights and desserts (until I arrive home):

Wonderful trip shared with many laughs, lots of history lessons, visiting 'old' friends (yes Linda I said that word again), many miles walked and driven, meeting new friends, visiting fantastic places, a few mishaps - thankfully nothing drastic, lots of steps climbed and still we are friends.

Fantastic trip where we ticked off almost everything we spent hours and hours planning, but now it's time to go home, go back to work and earn money so I can plan my next trip.

Thanks for coming on the journey with me :) 


  1. Lol I guess if the cap fits😜♥️ - loved seeing you and have really enjoyed following you virtually 😘


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